Saturday, January 28, 2012

Lanzarote to tenerife

Saturday 28th January: Tenerife
We arrived at Puerto Radazul early in the morning after a pleasant overnight sail from Lanzarote.
We have hired a car and will spend a days sightseeing before heading off on the 850 nm passage to Cape Verde this afternoon

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Puerto Calero Marina LANZAROTE: 17-25th January

We are now back on Makoko after spending Christmas/ New year at Morillon in France. There were 8 of us celebrating the Festive season; Amy, Tom and Claire, George (Dave's brother)and his wife Judy. We all enjoyed skiing in fresh powder snow and enjoying French food and wine.
We have been at Puerto Calero marina in Lanzarote for a week. Our arrival was somewhat marred when we discovered that Dave did not have his "hand bag" with passports,credit cards, eye phone and 1,000 euros. The   first car we rented at the airport had a flat battery and when we transferred the luggage we did not see the bag under the drivers seat. One hour later I was driving back to the airport in quite a state especially as I knew we had left the car unlocked and the windows open. However luck was with us as the bag and all its contents were in the rent a car office.
While George and Judy enjoyed being tourists Dave and I worked. The skipper did the last DIY jobs and familiarized himself with the new chart plotter. The first mate shopped and provisioned the boat and cooked enough meals to hopefully last us for the passage.
Our 4th crew member a retired doctor friend from Edinburgh John McLaren joined us on Saturday. In the early hours of Sunday morning we said goodbye to Judy who was going back to Tassie to work.
 We were all ready to set sail on Monday but our plans were aborted when the cash machine took Dave's credit card; much drama as it was a hole in the wall type at the marina with no bank attached. As I write this he is at the bank trying to retrieve his card. Hopefully we will be off this afternoon but sod's law at the moment there is no wind.We are planing an overnight sail to Tenerife where we will spend a few days before heading off to Cape Verde which will take us about a week.

Working hard in the galley

Makoko in her berth in the marina

Dave and Judy playing games in the sand dunes on Fuenventura

The crew enjoying tapas at Arreciefe